#APRSThursday Weekly Net

So, have you heard about #APRSThrusday? Why not give it a try. It’s held every Thursday from 000Z to 2359Z.

From the #APRS Thursday webpage:

Every Thursday. an APRS net is conducted to encourage the use of APRS, allow an opportunity to learn more about its characteristics, and make a few new contacts. The net is open to any and every properly licensed amateur operator anywhere in the world.

The net is conducted using the Announcement Server service provided by KJ4ERJ. Once checked in, you will receive all APRS net traffic from stations checking in for the following 24-hour period.

Learn a new, or enhance an old skill, better understand the characteristics of APRS, make new contacts from around the world, learn from like-minded individuals, and…why not!? It’s fun!!!

Where: The HOTG (Hams on the Gram) Group on the Announcement Server (ANSRVR).

How: One step process

Send to Station: ANSRVR

Message: CQ HOTG [space] your message

Ex: cq hotg happy #APRSTHURSDAY 73 kc5vkg

More info can be found at:
#APRSThursday Net (aprsph.net)>

Hope to see you on the list.


de Doug - KC5VKG

Doug, I’m interested. Are you coming to the club meeting next week? There might be time for some APRS discussion. I have a digipeater running; sometimes it actually hits a gateway. :slight_smile: I haven’t used the messaging part very much(read, twice). But I know that is really what Bob thought its strength was. -73Stan

Stan, so far at this point I’m planning on being there but will have to see what work comes up with…hopefully nothing. See you then 74 de Doug - KC5VKG

I’m working on a Digi/Igate here at my house. I know from prior experience I can cover most of the county from it. Also will broadcast meeting alerts and such as bulletins from it as well.