Park on the air

when the new state park is activated; it seems to me we should activate it the first time with WI0LA. I know we have some POTA folks in the club could you help make that happen?

I’ve never done POTA but I would love to help activate this park for the first time. Count me in :+1:t4:.

And I’ll bet Jeremy will use this as an opportunity to show me how it’s done :slightly_smiling_face:. Any idea when the park will open?

I spoke to Jeremy and I think he will coordinate this.

Yep! I’ve already been in touch with the POTA mapping co-ordinator for Kansas (Rick W0ZAP), and he told me that Lehigh-Portland State Park already has a K-#### reserved for it - you simply don’t see it appear on the site since the park’s not open. Once an annoucement is made regarding the official opening, it will be ready to activate, and I plan to organize a special event POTA activation on opening day.

Rick also told me that if I hear anything about an opening before he does (since I’m in the area, it’s likely to happen) to let him know. I highly doubt it’s open before 2024 - not sure what’s involved with converting it over, but I’m sure there will be a lot of construction work to do.

Chase, we don’t have to wait to get you some POTA experience! I’m happy to do an activation with you at any time - there’s Prairie Spirit Trail State Park (Cofachique Park), as well as Bourbon State Fishing Lake (Elsmore Lake) within easy driving distance. I actually already have 122 QSOs from Prairie Spirit Trail, and actually I haven’t activated Elsmore yet, so I’d love to do that sometime.