WX0MMG resigning

I made a post about this in the old board, but it appears it was eaten in the migration over to the new platform.

Due to health and work concerns, I cannot continue as the ARES/ARRL EC for Allen County or the WI0LA club. Between my work and side-job responsibilities, and increasing demands for medical care for both myself and my partner, I feel that it’s unfair to those who wish to participate in ARES for me to insist on filling the EC role or agreeing to commitments I cannot fulfill.

I may spot/chase storms on occasion, but I expect that will dwindle as well. Not coincidentally, I will likely be selling some gear in the near future. My already scarce appearances at monthly meetings is also expected to continue.

The applications were submitted but I have gotten no confirmation from anyone that anything went through. I will deliver them to whomever wishes to take up the mantle of EC.


Sorry to hear this Trey. Hope the issues get resolved quickly. 73 Stan